Happy 10th Blogversary to me!

Posted March 6, 2019 in Blog Updates / 14 Comments

Today marks a whopping 10 years since I began blogging! I’ve taken a few breaks here and there, and the blog has certainly evolved from how it first began.

In the beginning…

Way back in 2009 (a time before parenthood that I can barely remember now) my blog was called Creative Therapy. I had been struggling with my mental health since 2007 and wanted a place to express myself. I mainly posted terrible poems and the occasional piece of artwork. I joined in with a lot of blog hops and fests, my favourite being the Blogging from A-Z Challenge, which I still take part in most years.

Over the years, I began to have less time for creative writing and crafts, so I shared my love of reading instead. At one point I was a very active book reviewer, and I participated in lots of blog tours and bookish memes. I really loved that busy stage, but after my daughter was born I found that I just didn’t have the time to dedicate to blogging anymore. So I took a long hiatus to concentrate on learning how to raise a kiddo (I think the stork forgot to deliver my instruction manual).


When I returned at the beginning of last year, I decided to change the blog name to Dusting the Soul and move all my posts from Blogger to WordPress. I LOVE all the features and flexibility you get with WordPress and highly recommend it!

More recently, I’ve been regaining my confidence with writing and have been sharing more of my work again. I enjoy being part of both the book-blogging and writing communities, and this blog has become a way of connecting with all the hobbies I enjoy.

I no longer put so much pressure on myself to stick to a schedule, and I try not to over commit myself by accepting so many ARCs to review. I like posting whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it!

Looking to the future…

I used to have lots of goals based on statistics, but my priorities have changed. I’m no longer bothered about gaining high numbers of followers, I’m just happy if a few people read and enjoy my content.

My goals for the future are to share more of my creative writing and artwork, and to write more discussion posts. I am also considering having a go at vlogging if I can get my head around all the technical stuff!

Now that I have a story coming out in April and I’m working on a novel that I hope to publish, my approach to book reviewing might change. Some authors choose only to review the books they enjoy (3 or more stars) on their blogs, so I might go down that route.

A big shout out to all my followers, new and ‘old’-thank you so much for continuing to read and comment.

thank you

Before you go…

How long have you been blogging for? How has your blog evolved and what are your goals for the future?



14 responses to “Happy 10th Blogversary to me!

  1. Happy 10th Blogversary! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your blogging history. It’s always interesting to read about others’ experiences. I stumbled into the Blogosphere around the same time you did, when Windows Live Spaces was taken over by WordPress.com. Switched to self-hosted in 2013 and like you, love the freedom and limitless possibilities. Don’t love the technical malfunctions that happen occasionally, but on the other hand, they do make for great learning experiences. Cheers!

    • Thanks, Debbie. Yes, the technical side can be a pain but I’ve taught myself how to fix most problems and luckily there’s always someone in the Blogosphere who is willing to help if I’m stuck. I started off on Blogger and I loved how easy it was to use, but now I couldn’t live without my WordPress plugins.

  2. Happy 10th Blogversary! ? Thanks for sharing your experiences. I love seeing how others grow and change as they blog. I’ve been blogging on and off for 3 years. You’re a great example of going with the flow. ❤️❤️

    • Thanks! I enjoy reading about people’s blogging journeys too. 3 years is quite an accomplishment. Getting past the first year can be difficult these days. Blogging is a huge commitment, but if you enjoy it you will keep coming back to it. I’ve learned not to worry too much about taking breaks and just remember it’s always there waiting for me when I return.

  3. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging!! I went the route you’re thinking about when I started querying (actually, I only post reviews for books I would round up to 4 stars on Goodreads). It’s a bit of a tricky balance between reviewing and writing, but I’m slowly figuring it out. Good luck to you on your writing journey!!

    • Thanks, Nicole! Posting only favourable reviews does seem the sensible route to take. Hopefully, I will figure out the balance soon.

  4. OMG congrats! XD

    I’m so glad that you’ve been blogging longer than me! (In 2009 I was too busy… being a teenager! Lol.) I know that sounds weird, but all these talented newbies freak me out 😉 It’s nice to see that you can still be in the blogging game a decade on! 🙂

    • Thanks! Yeah, I am intimidated by all these kids with excellent photography and design skills, ha ha! Blogging has changed a lot in the last 10 years, but at its core there is still a wonderful, supportive community and I guess that’s what keeps me here.

  5. Congrats ? on your successful continuing blogging journey! ? I really enjoy your blog! You wear “many hats” well.
    Happy blogging!

  6. Happy 10 years (I know, I said it before, haha)! I’ve been blogging for 7 years overall and started out on Blogger as well before moving to WordPress (I love it, though – some of the plugins are an absolute blessing now that I’m not in high school). It’s fun to see how bloggers grow and change over time as they approach different milestones in life.

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